Sunday, February 18, 2018

When Ounces Matter, So Do Pounds

I've spent time and money getting my pack to be as light as possible, and now it's time to consider my own body weight.

Let's face it. I'd like to lose five pounds, and when I am trying to make my pack as light as possible, it only makes sense. My husband pointed this out to me last night. As much as I'd like to say that I have to eat plenty when training, I also know that I have formed some pretty bad eating habits in the last couple of years. Namely, I eat between meals and after dinner and often go to bed feeling stuffed. Those are simply calories I don't need. Now I know some people do better when they snack throughout the day; I am not one of those people.

While almonds are a healthy snack, it doesn't make sense to eat them at 8:00 at night!

So today was day one of not munching between meals when I am not hungry. I hadn't realized what a habit it had become until today when I became mindful of it. Each time I thought about having a piece or two of vegan jerkey, a dollop of almond butter, or a bite of left-over dinner, I realized that it was simply out of habit and not hunger. I suppose that's why it's called mindful eating. If I can have the discipline to train, running in the rain and wind before dawn on a Saturday, then I can also have the discipline to eat mindfully. It's part of my training, too.


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